
The Emily Stowe Scholar Program (ESSP) supports the advancement of health scholars through their careers with special emphasis on creating opportunities for diverse persons and those in marginalized communities (Black, Indigenous, or racialized women, trans, two-spirit, non-binary, and persons with a disability) who have been systemically and historically excluded in healthcare and health science career trajectories. A catalyst for equitable system-wide change, ESSP engages students and scholars and develops new career pathways that embrace their unique experiences, knowledge systems, and skillsets.

ESSP provides research funding, programming, coaching and mentoring support for present and future researchers/learners with qualifying projects. Candidates for ESSP programs are selected through an equitable, transparent, and competitive selection process that emphasizes anti-bias, identification of greatest need and selection of candidates who stand to benefit the most from program offerings. To address the various requirements of early learners, post-secondary students, mid-career, and late-career professionals across the health spectrum, ESSP simultaneously offers multiple levels and types of scholarship that support diversity.

For a brief overview of Dr. Emily Stowe's achievements and influence on this award, please refer to the website.

Current Opportunity

We are currently launching a call for expressions of interest (EOI) for the Faculty/Scholars and Projects. The intent of this call is to provide salary support (offset salary, match a salary award or for protected time) or project-specific support. Scholars are expected to provide mentorship activities directed at supporting other ESSP Scholars. EOIs must be submitted through REDCap by September 13th, 2024 at 4 pm.



Funding amount and duration may vary by tier

Tier 1 Scholars

  •   Engaged postdoctoral or graduate school learner/student specializing as a nurse practitioner, health professional, etc.
  •       3/4-year term, with no renewal option
  •       Maximum of $20,000/year

Tier 2 Scholars

  •        Appointed scientists with less than 5 years of work experience in a research role
  •        3-year term, with option for review and possible renewal for additional 2-3 years
  •        Maximum of $30,000/year

Tier 3 Scholars

  •        Appointed scientists with 5-10 years of work experience in a research role
  •        5-year term, with option for review and possible renewal for 5 additional years
  •        Maximum of $40,000/year

Tier 4 Scholars

  •       Appointed senior scientists with at least 10 years of research experience
  •       5-year term, with option for review and possible renewal for 5 additional years
  •       Maximum of $50,000/year


Project/Education/Clinical Innovation/Quality Improvement

       Funding amount and duration may vary

  •    Any WCH affiliated clinician researcher, scientist, nurse practitioner, nurse, health professional, staff or physician who self-identifies as a diverse person embarking on project that involves quality improvement, education scholarship and clinical innovation
  •     Project must have appropriately defined timelines and clearly defined objectives and deliverables
  •      Application should specify who is being funded and how any backfill will be addressed (lead support/operations support/tuition support)
  •        Applicant must provide justification that project aligns with the WCH Strategic Plan
  •        2-3 year term, no renewal
  •        Maximum amount of $75,000/year



  1.         Applicants must be an affiliated researcher, scientist or qualifying staff clinician at WCH
  2.        Individuals who are either a WCH employee, or who receive their compensation via a WCH practice plan and their primary research appointment at WCH;
  3.        Self-identify as a diverse person and those in marginalized communities as per the ESS Vision and Mission 

Adjudication Criteria

Applications will be assessed and scored in 5 areas:

  •        Mentorship/Clinical Instructor experience
  •        Research/project plan and outline
  •        Alignment with vision, mission, and values of ESSP and strategic priorities of WCH
  •        Feasibility of requested budget
  •        Feasibility of requested duration of funding

General Submission Requirements

When submitting your expression of interest, the following elements should be included:

  1.          Applicant Information
  2.          Expression of Interest
  3.          Overall funding requested (estimates allowed)
  4.          CV (Academic CV recommended)


June 2024 - Call for EOIs

September 2024 - EOIs deadline and review

December 2024 - Full proposal deadline and review

February 2025 - Decisions released

April 2025 - Start of funding and projects

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